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Parks and Facilities

Parks and Facilities Knoxville Tennessee

The Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Knoxville offers a wide range of activities for all members of the family to enjoy. One of the Department’s main goals is to improve recreation opportunities for all Knoxvillians, and with the opening of new fitness centers, the construction of greenways and walking trails, and the installation of new playground equipment at many city parks, the Department is well on its way to achieving that goal. Knoxville residents have access to 92 parks within the city limits, totaling approximately 2,200 acres of protected area. You’ll discover a little bit of every woodland and water activity imaginable in these parks.

Parks and Facilities Knoxville Tennessee

The City of Knoxville Parks and Recreation Department


400 Main St SW
Knoxville, TN 37902
+1 865-215-1400

For more information on Parks and Recreation visit here.

HERE Knoxville

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