The Republicans maintain their majority in the Knox County Commission with the GOP now holding 8 seats instead of 9 due to the election of Democrat Shane Jackson in the Fourth District. Democrat hopes of gaining an additional seat in the 9th District fell short when Andy Fox, a Republican, emerged victorious over Matthew Park by a margin of 221 votes.
Various County Positions
Aside from changes in the commission, voters elected to maintain current countywide leaders. David Buuck was reaffirmed as Law Director, Phil Ballard was re-elected as the Property Assessor, and Judge Hector Sanchez was granted another term.
District by District: Analysis
Democrat Damon Rawls defeated Republican Charles Frazier in the District 1 election, continuing the district’s tradition of electing representatives of color. Rawls won the seat by a margin of 1,679 votes.
In the predominantly Democratic District 2, incumbent Commissioner Courtney Durrett was reelected, winning 4,057 votes, beating Republican Debbie Phillips who received 2,303 votes and Independent Ethan Grantham who received only 187 votes.
There was a significant shift in the Fourth District, which turned blue for the first time since 2010. Democrat Shane Jackson defeated Republican Garrett Holt by 170 votes to fill the seat vacated by Republican Commissioner Kyle Ward.
In the Fifth District, Angela Russell continues the trend of Republican representation for the region. Russell beat Democrat S. Arthur Moore by 2,026 votes.
Residents of District 6 reelected Commission Chair Terry Hill to represent Hardin Valley and Karns. Hill won over Democrat Daniel Greene by 904 votes.
For District 8, Republican Adam Thompson won over Democrat Charles Chandler, continuing the GOP tradition after the current holder Richie Beeler chose not to run for reelection.
In the Ninth district, Republican Andy Fox secured the seat against Democrat Matthew Park.
Countywide Positions
In the race for property assessor, Republican Phil Ballard defeated Democrat Drew Harper. The Law Director position went to David Buuck who beat Jackson Fenner.
Judge Hector Sanchez, running unopposed, will continue to serve as the Sixth Judicial District Criminal Court Judge Division II.